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Partnership to Strengthen Innovation & Practice in Secondary Education PSIPSE

PSIPSE was aimed at accelerating innovation & improving practice in secondary education programming, research and development. It was funded by a collaborative of private donors and donor advisors including; - Central Square Foundation, ELMA Philanthropies, Human Dignity Foundation, Intel Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Marshall Family Foundation, Comic Relief, Dubai Cares, Intel Foundation and Master Card Foundation. The project was spread across East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, Rwanda & DRC), as well as Nigeria and India. Results for development Institute (R4D) was the lead agency and global learning partner for PSIPSE. CRI (formerly CSSEPA) worked with R4D to cover East Africa as one of the three local learning partners.


During the two year project (2013 & 2014), CRI provided support to 15 implementing partners (IPs) spread across East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, DRC and Rwanda). CRI’s role centred on synthesis of learnings from active projects, guiding IPs on use of these learning's to improve ongoing interventions, developing knowledge products, providing technical support to IPs (grantees), promoting community of practice for peer learning among IPs, facilitate networking among IPs & policy engagements with Ministries of Education, supporting project designs for new innovations or scale up of tested models (in response to targeted requests for applications by the PSIPSE donor collaborative).

Some of the main outputs or achievements from these efforts include: 

  1. PSIPSE East Africa Regional Convening on March 22-26 2014, at Best Western Hotel in Nairobi, which brought together over 100 stakeholders in the secondary education space from across East Africa e.g. IPs, secondary education innovators, policymakers, donor representatives and other PSIPSE local learning partners from India and Nigeria.

  2. facilitated active policy engagements between IPs and Ministries of Education in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, leading to involvement of several IPs in policy processes and collaboration frameworks between Ministries and selected IPs (Asante Africa Foundation in Tanzania, Community Development Foundation in Kenya and Build Africa in Uganda, among others).

  3. Community of practice and thematic learning platforms on four different subjects or fields of interest to PSIPSE IPs namely; - ICT, life skills, girls education and policy advocacy.

  4. synthesis reports and Five technical papers (knowledge products) on: - transforming secondary education in East Africa to embrace entrepreneurship, vocational training & life skills; revitalizing secondary education in East Africa to put girls’ education on top of national priorities; exploring the use of technology to promote teacher development for secondary education in East Africa.

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