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Between 2012 and 2019 we have been involved in the implementation of two key development projects across East Africa; -
(i) Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Mentorship & Coaching for RELI Africa;
(ii) Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education (PSIPSE) in East Africa;
(iii) Parental Empowerement & Engagement (PEE) in CBC & Mainstreaming values, lifeskills, sports and arts in CBC;
(iv) Building Resilience in Civil Society for Countering Violent Extremism in East Africa; and
(v) Civic Education for Schools and Colleges (CESC) in Kenya.
MEL Mentorship & Coaching for RELI Africa
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) mentorship & coaching for Wellspring Philanthropic Fund Implementing Partners for the Regional Education & Learning Initiative (RELI Africa) in Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania; coordinated by Africa Population & Health Research Centre (APHRC) – 2017/2019. Referee for RELI: Catherine Asego -
Parental Empowerement & Engagement (PEE) in CBC;
Mainstreaming values, lifeskills, sports and arts in CBC Since January 2019
CRI has been providing technical guidance/support to two RELI Thematic Groups; -
(i) Equity & Inclusion and (ii) Values & life skills on Parental Empowerment & Engagement in CBC reforms.
The main objective are one; to strengthen parents’ participation in and tracking curriculum reforms in Kenya and two; to facilitate meaningful civil society engagement in the curriculum reform process. The initiative project will contribute to onboard parents from excluded communities, bringing the new curriculum down to their level, and through participatory approaches, inform their engagement in their children’s learning at home, at school and in the wider community as a way of improving their learning outcomes and bridging inequities that may emerge with the new curriculum rollout. In addition, it will catalyse a functional relationship between the Ministry of Education and Civil Society Actors in Education (starting with those who are members of RELI). Specific role of CRI revolve around the following three areas; - review of PEE guidelines; integration of life skills & values in CBC; leading advocacy and policy influence work on realization/delivery of life skills, values, community service, sports & arts in CBC implementation (2019/2021). Referee for RELI: Catherine Asego -
Building Resilience in Civil Society (BRICS) for Countering Violent Extremism in East Africa
Provided successful MEL mentorship and coaching for Usalama Reforms Forum in their three project locations in Kenya (Nairobi, Kisumu & Garrissa) on their project; “Strengthening Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) iIn Kenya; leading to clear baseline & monitoring indicators for tracking of achievement of the project during implementation; with MEL tools for capturing and communicating project results – 2015/2016
Referee for BRICS: Chris Wakube –
Supporting PSIPSE as local learning partner for East Africa.
Worked with Results for Development Institute (R4D) as a local learning partner to provide techincal support, help over 20 implementing partners develop MEL systems & tools, synthesize learnings and facilitate sharing of lessons between over 20 grantees or implemntaing partners in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and DRC). We facilitated community of practice and thematic learning platforms on four different subjects or fields of interest to PSIPSE IPs namely; - ICT, life skills, girls education and policy advocacy: 2012- 2014
Leading East Africa Regional Proposal Development process for PSIPSE
On behalf of R4D and PSIPSE donor collaborative (MacArthur Foundation, The MasterCard Foundation, Comic Relief, Dubai Cares, Human Dignity Foundation, Intel Foundation and an Anonymous donor) CRI-Easuported over 30 applicants from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Malawi to develop rproject proposals between 2013 and 2014.
East Africa PSIPSE Regional Convening
In collaboration with R4D held the PSIPSE East Africa Regional Convening on March 22-26 2014, at Best Western Hotel in Nairobi. It brought together stakeholders in the secondary education space from across East Africa e.g. grantees, secondary education innovators, policymakers, donor representatives and other PSIPSE local learning partners from India and Nigeria. Following the PSIPSE Convening in East Africa, CRI-EA has continued to facilitate policy engagement between grantees and Ministries of Education in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. This brought together over 100 stakeholders in the secondary education space from across East Africa e.g. Ips, secondary education innovators, policymakers, donor representatives and other PSIPSE local learning partners from India and Nigeria.
Developing Synthesis reports &Knowledge Products or Technical Papers for PSIPSE
Developed two synthesis reports & four technical papers on knowledge products on the following themes- 2013/2014.
Transforming secondary education in East Africa to embrace entrepreneurship, vocational training and life skills:
Revitalizing Secondary Education in East Africa to Put Girls’ Education on Top of the Agenda:
Beginning with the End in Mind: Planning Pilot Projects for Successful Scale-up:
Exploring the use of technology to promote teacher development for secondary education in East Africa:
Referee for PSIPSE projects: Jordan Worthington
Civic Education for Schools and Colleges (CESC) in Kenya
Between 2012 and 2016, CRI served as a technical partner with Daraja Civic Initiatives Forum and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (a German Foundation based in Nairobi) in collaboration with Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and Ministry of Education, to implement a Civic Education induction programme for schools and colleges dubbed “Civic Education for Schools and Colleges”. The objective was to induct college tutors, primary and secondary school teachers across Kenya, building on phase one of the programme that ran between 2003 and 2010. The programme directly benefited a total of 2798 teachers (from both primary & secondary schools) and 97 Primary Teacher Training College tutors from all the 20 public TTCs in Kenya. As a reference material, CRI and Daraja worked on the Civic Education Source Book for Schools and Colleges. The book was evaluated by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and awarded an “approved status” by the Ministry of Education and is listed in the Orange Book as one of the reference texts. Referee for CESC project: Joyce Wesonga –